Air Venture 2

AirVenture 1

AirVenture 2

Classics 1

Classics 2

War Birds 1

War Birds 2

War Birds 3

HomeBuilts 1

HomeBuilts 2

HomeBuilts 3

HomeBuilts 4

HomeBuilts 5

HomeBuilts 6

HomeBuilts 7

HomeBuilts 8

HomeBuilts 9

Cirrus interior - A really nice layout.

Cirrus panel - the view of the future for panels.

Looking over just a few of the custom built.  It was
real early but still plenty of people.

Just a small sample of Van's Air Force.  There
were many rows like this.

An early morning shot of the tents for the kit
manufacturers.  Had to get there early for photos.

Looking one direction down the line of custom
built.  Early morning before the crowds.

Just the tip of the iceburg showing the number of
people camping with their planes.  This is a few
dozen out of thousands.

The airshow was great but that was not my reason
for going so I did not get any shots of the show.